Inicio columna 1

Maritime Pine Crown Cut

From   500 mm  to  1450 mm
From  1500 mm  to  2050 mm 
From 2100 mm  to  2450 mm 
From 2500 mm  to  3050 mm 
From 3100 mm  to  4000 mm

0.56 mm


Pinus Pinaster Ait.

The sapwood is a yellowish white and the heartwood varies from yellow-orange to a salmon red color. The sapwood is clearly differentiated. The growth rings are visible and there is a clear distinction between earlywood and latewood. The wood is straight-grained (straight fibers) and the grain texture varies from medium to open (coarse). The wood displays numerous pitch streaks, and it is usually quite impregnated with resin, which gives it a reddish color. The wood also has numerous knots, which can have a very large diameter.

Fin columna 1